Thursday, 21 March 2013

Day 4 :: Children's Ministry

Dining/meeting hall
Beep beep beep, 7 o'clock came around too early this morning, but somehow getting out of bed isn't that hard when you know that today, you have a mission.

At 7:30 am we marched on over to the dining hall, ate some delicious (and some not so nutritious cereal) followed by morning devotions, led by Pepe, a YWAM staff member. He shared with us what God had placed on his heart about certain team members; Josh, Moira, Wes, and Kenko all received what they said felt like the Holy Spirit was talking to them through Pepe.

We then broke off into our smaller encouragement groups. We talked about our trip so far, our highs and lows, we prayed about each others concerns and what we feel God placing on our hearts.

Wes sharing about trusting in the Lord
Our Mission for today was to go to a village and take part in helping run their thursday afternoon children's ministry. We opened that up by singing, starting in English and trying a verse or two in Spanish...we weren't very good but definitely earned an A in effort. We then played duck duck goose with the younger kids and charades with the older ones.

We then went to the local street market where some of us bartered, and others willingly accepted the prices... then we headed for the classic, tacos-round two. Wes' high from today came from the taco shop, where Moira discretely slipped away to buy tacos for a beggar, who had been watching us eat. 
Beef tacos

We arrived back at the base, just in time for our worship time. We spent a good chunk of time  singing, then our host, Mark led a speech on sin, not just any regular speech, but a moment that we will never forget. We wrote down our sins on a piece of paper, put them in a plastic bag and then "finished" off in prayer. During the prayer, we heard loud shouts and banging coming from the other room. Most of us confused, and thinking to ourselves how rude and disruptive some people were being being, and then we were in shock when the doors flew open and a bunch of men ran into our session. A man dressed in white (who represented Jesus), was dragged to the front, whipped, humiliated and was holding the bag with our sins in it. He was dragged back outside, we were left unsure what we were to do until we were yelled at to "GET UP"!! We lined up single file and marched our ways out the door. The man in white was lying on the ground, just in a cloth with his back covered in red. He began to carry a cross, with the forced help of Rich. We marched up the hill and witnessed the man in white being raised on a cross, most of us, having tears streaming down our faces. We closed that of in group prayers and some us rededicating our lives to serving God.

-Hailey McGrail and Brittany Beukens

Prayer Requests
- That the work that the Lord is doing in the lives of these youth would continue.
- That although we are getting more and more tired by the day, that our ministry to the Mexican people would be effective!
- That those who are tired, would find rest.
- That our final full day will be an amazing day!

ps - thanks Hailey and Brittany!
pss - sorry about the lack of pictures tonight - it's getting too late.

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