Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Day 2 :: Building Day 1


If I could leave it there I would - but many of you know me - and I couldn't do that. 

Today was absolutely fantastic!! We finally got to start building the two homes we've been waiting to build for five months!!  Our whole team is split into two, and each team is responsible for building one house under the direction of a crew leader and a bunch of other YWAM staff who have built many homes already.

Their system is amazing, as soon as we got to the sites - everything happened - and within 2 hours (at least on my team) two walls were up!! and much other progress done.  Here's a few pictures:


As you can see - things happen quickly when you have an AMAZING team who works incredibly hard!!

Once we all returned back to the base, we cleaned up and had dinner - and had our evening session - where we learned a little about the need for justice in our world, and then perhaps where we might all be called to play a role in making so many wrongs right.  A significant challenge, where it was cleared up a little more by one of the students who said "I just want to live life the way God would like it!"  Living right.

After our session, we met as just our group and did our daily 'high's and low's' - where we all share what our days looked like - I want to share mine with you ::

HIGH - (most times we limit them to one - but reread the second line up top)
  • watching all the students (and hearing about the other team) work their hardest - all day long.  
  • I watched one student tirelessly try to nail one single nail for a long time (it was a very difficult spot to nail something), bent nail after bent nail - and only smiles and laughter from the student.  I loved seeing that - they even turned down offers of help.  That deserved a BIG HIGH FIVE!!!
  • getting to see a house build.
  • hearing the students pray for our meals and for our days.
  • and a video I received from home - where my 3.5yr old daughter sang "Jesus loves my daddy, the bible tells you so!" (I teared up there...)
  • I got a little queasy on a van ride.

And you're thinking - "woop-de-do - he got a little queasy ..."

And that's it - that was the low (other than being so far from home).  It is truly amazing to be a part of this story down here.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support!


Prayer Requests:
- that build day two would be amazing, and that the families who are receiving the homes would truly feel the presence of the Lord there.
- that we would continue to be safe in travels and at work (only one injury today - one student hit there thumb with a hammer).
- that our students (and leaders) would continue to grow in the Lord and together!



  1. The pics don't seem to be loading properly. At least not for me anyways :(
