Saturday, 11 March 2017

We've arrived!

We've arrived!!!

If you remember the border fiasco from our previous trip (which after looking back at that post, I clearly was too tired to write about the depth of fiasco-ness.  Long story short, secondary inspection, extra payments, longer travel visas, oiy.  2 hours in border middle earth.)  We didn't arrive at the base until 3.54am, and then had to get settled.  Sleeping around 5.00am.

This morning, a different story.

Our YWAM staff were waiting patiently for us at the AMTRAK station when we arrived there at 1.35am, we loaded our luggage, then ourselves.  We passed through the border with utter ease!!! (which is more the norm.)  We arrived at the base around 2.10am, unpacked, got shown to our rooms, figured out the arrangements, and now, I sit here typing this, listening to a good friend drift off to snore-land, and the boys next door, still trying to figure out their common space.

We've arrived.

Brunch is at 11.00am.

Thanks all for your prayers and concerns while we travelled, it's so great to know that our community at home cares.

Tomorrow night, you'll hear of no train woes, but of the beginnings of our work, which we're excited to get to begin!


ps.  There's no snow here!

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