Dear congregation,
Today, I am honoured on behalf of the Mexico team, to express our thanks and appreciation forall of your help and support.
After seven months of fundraising and preparatory work, we have collected $32,452.00 for this mission trip. Contributing to that total amount, the money fundraised from the Mexico DinnerAuction was over $9,500, and the tips we gathered from the Old Spaghetti Factory night was$1,460.00. Additionally, the bottle drive helped the team get almost $1,300 and the selling of 2015 birthday/anniversary calendars gave us just over $7,000.
Also, the volunteers who attended preparation of the WE events, Mexico Dinner Auction andOld Spaghetti Factory night were great help for the team. These incredible numbers and efforts offered by the congregation make this trip possible for us.
We, the entire team, sincerely appreciate all the help from everyone that supported us. Thisgenerous help does not just pay for the expenses of the trip; it is also a chance you provide us to build God’s kingdom in a different part of the world. Also, this mission trip will not only be anopportunity for us to share Jesus’s love to those who may not know about Him, but also a means for the team members to learn more about and be closer to God. We thank you for giving us the opportunity to do God’s work, to be His ambassadors and followers.
With your support, encouragement, and prayers, we look forward to having a fruitful missiontrip with God’s blessing that would bring honour to Him.
Ann Wang
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