Our day started with an opportunity to serve at a meal center, Padre Chava, to serve breakfast to the homeless in Tijuana. After a brief introduction to the center, we were assigned roles alongside another group from San Fransisco. Our roles were divided between filling plates, bring plates of food to the tables, setting the tables, handing out fruit, and cleaning up the finished plates. Our whole team served incredibly well, especially those who had the less-than-glamorous jobs (scraping & rinsing unfinished plates & holding the towel at the entrance...). We served 739 plates of food this morning - it was incredible to see that many needy people come through the doors (some multiple times..). We were reminded that there is joy in serving, and being a part of the solution to the problems amongst us.
Our hearts were overjoyed as we were driven into the best taco place that Tijuana has to offer (I still have yet to catch its name...). We enjoyed the authentic mexican flavours once again, and had the best soda that Mexico has to offer. We went back to the base to rest up, and many of us found our beds to stretch out on, some had naps, others enjoyed an episode of 'the office', and others just starred at the ceiling. 1.30pm came quickly, as we loaded our van to go to the elderly home.
Our afternoon started at a grocery store, where we bought cookies, banana's, and juice boxes for the residents. We were told ahead of time that this was a tough place to visit - but there wasn't really much for words that could have fully prepared us for what we experienced. We pulled up to the home, and already our hearts sank. As we entered the courtyard, we saw so many people in various states of health and comprehension abilities. The reality that sits in my heart is a deep sadness for the frail human condition. The small courtyard, which seemed smaller than it was, was filled with over 100 residents, needing various levels of attention, and more were still in their rooms. We handed out the fruit and snacks to very eager hands. We made balloon animals and hats, many were deeply enjoyed. We blew bubbles, and coloured with the residents. The time came to pack up, as visitors' hours were coming to a close. We all left with heavy hearts, sad that this place is what it was.
Arriving back at the base, our team took some much needed time to follow up on that rest that began at noon. Supper, then our session, then our team time around a fire. A great close to a great & difficult day.
Tonight marks our second last night here. We've grown to love our home here, and many of us miss our home in Abbotsford. I think also, we are seeing that there's so much more that can be done here. More homes to be built, more children to play with, more breakfasts to serve.
*prayer requests:
1. Tomorrow will be a simpler day, a visit to an orphanage, and a bunch of team time - hopefully a time to see our rest begin.
2. Pray for those who serve at that elderly center - may they continue to be the presence of God to those residents, His children.
*few pictures of the day:

^ Padra Chava meal center, this was us waiting for our service assignments.

^ A group shot at Padre Chava, with the coordinators, once all was said and done.

^ our iconic team shot on the steps of the Defender building at the base.

^ tacos. *nothing more needs to be said.

^ the elderly home. We weren't allowed to take pictures inside (understandably so).

^ I had to include this one ... here was my view at the end of our long day, before supper. This base is AMAZING. It honestly feels like a resort here. A close friend of mine said it this way, "there doesn't need to be suffering in servitude." My friend, you know who you are - you are more right than you know. This place is very special. I hope you all can have a chance at some point to serve here.